Tuesday 19 November 2013

Start out: going the DSLR route

I am not a photo-person.  I hate photos.  Not of other people.  Of myself.  Yes, I know, lots of people hate photos of themselves.  Weirdly, even my boyfriend, who is 6 feet tall, well built and as I have been informed 'good looking'.  So the first thing I did, being the analytical person I am, I googled why people hate photos of themselves.  I came across this very interesting blog post: 'Why do we hate seeing photos of ourselves?'.  This gave me some hope, so I dragged my self-esteem out of the garbage bin it had settled itself comfortably in, and gave it a good clean up.  I was going to learn to look at myself, and I mean REALLY look at myself in a photo.  No cringing, throwing up, swallowing my sick, squinting, crying or just plain ripping up the photo.  No, just look straight at the picture and accept myself.

The next leg of my journey required the mastering of the DSLR camera.  Indeed for all you DSLR experts, what I am about to spurt out of my mouth may offend you with its simplicity, but feel free to lend your depth of knowledge in this field in the comments section.  Lucky for me, working as a part-time Fashion lecturer, I was able to sign out a few Canon 600D cameras to test.  I think I have just about grasped the concept of Aperture, ISO and shutter speeds, although my preference has been to stay on Creative Mode or Automatic.  Even on these settings, picture quality in the right light setting is amazing!

Then my wonderful boyfriend sold our HD video camera and we invested in this beauty:

The Canon EOS 1100d.  It didn't come with a memory card, so we found an old one and staged the photo shoot in our back garden in sub-zero temperatures of the English countryside.  Feeling pretty pleased with my modelling performance, I attempted an upload of the images onto my laptop.  The card had died mid-shoot and no images were captured. 
Who said blogging was easy?  Oh yeah, it might have been me.  BEFORE I started one.  To all you bloggers out there, I take my hat off to you, and as I prepare for my next shoot in our back garden/arctic paradise I remind myself 'if you don't succeed the first time, try and try again..'

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